The last thing this world needs is a design agency.

We scream this over the rooftop. But, so why does zazzy exist? Good question.

For ages, the service industry is thriving.

In fact the first full-service advertising agency, N.W. Ayer & Son was started in the late 1800s by a 20-year-old boy in Philadelphia, USA. Agencies and service businesses picked up at the full throttle since then.

It's a wonderful business model.

Businesses need external help, new perspectives, and fresh ideas. Agencies/Studios want to solve challenging problems for consumers. It's a win-win for both.

Something happened to the service industry. In the last two decades, it has become oversaturated. For several reasons, less trust is established in the agency/studio.

  • Transparency and honesty became as rare as a unicorn sighting.
  • Agencies started treating client needs like an optional extra.
  • Overpromising and underdelivering became the norm.
  • Creativity and authenticity? It's more like copy-paste and snooze-fest.

We identified and understood these problems, as they are the primary bottlenecks for all fast-moving brands.

We wish to lead this change by solving these exact problems, and that's why we exist.

  • We're bringing back radical honesty. If we mess up (hey, we're human), we own it and fix it at lightning speed. No BS, no excuses.
  • We don't just listen to our clients; we become their biggest fans. Your success is our obsession. Period.
  • We underpromise and overdeliver. It's not sexy, but it works. Just ask our client Melooha. We are with them from the start of their first line of code.
  • Creativity isn't just our job; it's our lifeblood. We eat, sleep, and breathe innovation. Our team is constantly learning and pushing boundaries.

We believe the world needs an agency that adds value to businesses

exactly how/why it started in the late 1800s. We believe the world needs an agency with the engraved values of honesty, transparency, and a growth mindset.

If you think, these values are important for your business, let's work together and let us bring the magic.


Jay Mistry
Founder & CEO, zazzy